
Illumina Films | Robin Brinster

Founded in 1999 by Robin Brinster, Illumina Films is a boutique sales company based in Amsterdam. It specializes in human-interest documentaries of quality and represents a collection of documentary films that have been shown widely at international film festivals and by international broadcasters. Illumina Films focuses on documentaries with meaningful cultural and social themes that are topical in today's world. Illumina Films keeps its catalogue relatively small, choosing those uniquely special documentaries to which it devotes its deepest attention ...

Founded in 1999 by Robin Brinster, Illumina Films is a boutique sales company based in Amsterdam. It specializes in human-interest documentaries of quality and represents a collection of documentary films that have been shown widely at international film festivals and by international broadcasters. Illumina Films focuses on documentaries with meaningful cultural and social themes that are topical in today's world. Illumina Films keeps its catalogue relatively small, choosing those uniquely special documentaries to which it devotes its deepest attention and passion.

Robin Brinster has acted as Head of Sales for some notable production and distribution companies. These include American/Dutch distribution and production company TV Matters which specialized in classic feature films and music productions with American public broadcaster PBS, and Nature Conservation Films the production company behind Holland’s great wildlife filmmaker Hugo van Lawick.

Büro: +31 20 6248395

    Illumina Films | Robin Brinster
    Plantage Middenlaan 27
    1018 DB Amsterdam
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