

We are a creative film production company based in Berlin and Hamburg. Our film projects are divided into projects initiated by authors and directors on the one hand and film projects developed by us as producers on the other. In both cases, FILMGARNITUR is a permanent partner from the initial idea, through production, image and sound design and finishing. Our passion is the demanding cinematic storytelling - regardless of the format. Whether large screen, series, television reportage or advert. With young and creative talents and our own postproduction ...

We are a creative film production company based in Berlin and Hamburg.
Our film projects are divided into projects initiated by authors and directors on the one hand and film projects developed by us as producers on the other. In both cases, FILMGARNITUR is a permanent partner from the initial idea, through production, image and sound design and finishing. Our passion is the demanding cinematic storytelling - regardless of the format. Whether large screen, series, television reportage or advert. With young and creative talents and our own postproduction we are looking forward to the upcoming exciting projects and new challenges.

Büro: +49 40 46657529
Büro: +49 30 33931750

    Ernst-Augustin-Straße 15
    12489 Berlin [ Adlershof ]
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