
European Film Academy e.V.

Founded in 1988, the European Film Academy (EFA) now unites more than 2,000 European film professionals with the common aim of promoting European film culture. Throughout the year, the EFA initiates and participates in a series of activities dealing with film politics as well as economic, artistic, and training aspects. The programme includes conferences, seminars and workshops, and a common goal is to build a bridge between creativity and the industry. These activities culminate in the annual presentation of the European Film Awards.

Founded in 1988, the European Film Academy (EFA) now unites more than 2,000 European film professionals with the common aim of promoting European film culture. Throughout the year, the EFA initiates and participates in a series of activities dealing with film politics as well as economic, artistic, and training aspects. The programme includes conferences, seminars and workshops, and a common goal is to build a bridge between creativity and the industry. These activities culminate in the annual presentation of the European Film Awards.

    European Film Academy e.V.
    Stralauer Allee 2A
    10245 Berlin [ Kreuzberg ]

Personen und Akteure

Wim Wenders
Film / Funk Berlin
Rudolph Herzog
Film / Funk Berlin
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