Pamela Meyer-Arndt
Pamela Meyer-Arndt
About me
Screenwriter / Director for documentary film
Pamela Meyer-Arndt was born in Colgone in 1967. She studied film at both the Academy of Fine Arts Hamburg and the Tisch School at New York University. In 1994 she worked for Amos Poe Productions, The Shooting Gallery, New York. She has directed a number of shorts: Die nach Hoffnung jagen (1988), Bottle (1990), Couple Trouble (1990), What’s up Amos Poe (1991), Moor Afffairs (1992), Hotel 17 (1993) and Sisters (1993). From 1997 to 2006 she worked on a number of commercials and features. She has written, produced and directed two documentaries: Die Märchenhafte (2006) and Just an Ordinary Life (Ostfotografinnen, 2006).
Pamela Meyer-Arndt wurde 1967 in Köln geboren. Sie studierte Film an der Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Hamburg und an der Tisch School der New York University. 1994 arbeite sie für Amos Poe Productions und für The Shooting Gallery in New York. Sie führte Regie bei einigen Kurzfilmen: Die nach Hoffnung jagen (1988), Bottle (1990), Couple Trouble (1990), What’s up Amos Poe (1991), Moor Afffairs (1992), Hotel 17 (1993) und Sisters (1993). Von 1997 bis 2006 führte sie Regie für einige Werbefilme. Sie schreib, führte Regie und produzierte zwei Dokumentarfilme: Die Märchenhafte (2006) und Ostfotografinnen (2006). 2010 entstand der 86 minütige Film DORFLIEBE in Zusammenarbeit mit der Gebrüder Beetz Filmproduktion.
Pamela Meyer-Arndt was born in Colgone in 1967. She studied film at both the Academy of Fine Arts Hamburg and the Tisch School at New York University. In 1994 she worked for Amos Poe Productions, The Shooting Gallery, New York. She has directed a number of shorts: Die nach Hoffnung jagen (1988), Bottle (1990), Couple Trouble (1990), What’s up Amos Poe (1991), Moor Afffairs (1992), Hotel 17 (1993) and Sisters (1993). From 1997 to 2006 she worked on a number of commercials and features. She has written, produced and directed two documentaries: Die Märchenhafte (2006) and Just an Ordinary Life (Ostfotografinnen, 2006). 2010 she directed a film with Gebrüder Beetz Filmproduktion VILLAGE LOVE (86 min.).