World Sales
Production Company
12489 Berlin Phone +49 40 46657529 Phone +49 30 33931750 http://www.filmgarnitur.de
Uncanny Me
Lale is 26 and has been working as a model for years.But working on the superficiality is increasingly exhausting her. She finally wants to turn her attention to the important things in life - by having her physical body scanned and transformed into a virtual avatar. In the course of this moral and legal precedent, and facing her very real SELF, Lale has concerns. The film poses the
question of identity in the age of self-dramatization and
certificates of authenticity.
Cast & Crew
- DirectorKatharina Pethke
- Producer
- Director of photography
- Editor (Cut)
- Sound
- Sound Design
202265 DOK Leipzig
dokKa Karlsruhe
World Sales
Production Company
12489 Berlin Phone +49 40 46657529 Phone +49 30 33931750 http://www.filmgarnitur.de
Cast & Crew
Katharina PethkeChristoph Rohrscheidt, Sven Michael Otto
Christoph Rohrscheidt
Daniela Kinateder
Michael Thäle
Kuan-Chen Chen, Christian Riegel