World Sales
Production Company
The River Between Us
The people of the Mashco Piro fled deep into the Peruvian Amazon to escape the cruelty of colonialist rubber companies. They cut all contact with the outside world and entered an isolation they haven’t abandoned to this day. Carl Gierstorfer, the award-wininng German filmmaker and biologist, turns around in front of the river and looks back at those who want to break the contact with the isolated people.Cast & Crew
- DirectorCarl Gierstorfer
- Director of photographyCarl Gierstorfer
- NarratorCarl Gierstorfer
- Editor (Cut)
- Sound
- Sound Design
- Original Score
2022DocMX Mexico
World Sales
Production Company
Cast & Crew
Carl GierstorferCarl Gierstorfer
Carl Gierstorfer
Marcel Ozan Riedel
Carmel Fuhg
Sascha Bercik, Niko Berthold
Sam Slater