World Sales
Production Company
69121 Heidelberg Phone +49 6221 400780 Fax +49 6221 400884 http://www.marco-polo-film.com
Land of the far North
German version availabel
Polarnacht – Skandinaviens Wildnis im Winter
Polartag – Skandinaviens Wildnis im Sommer
In Europe, there is no other place where contrasts and contradictions lie so close to one another as in the region north of the Polar Circle. Brilliant colours, abundant food and hectic activity in the animal world during the polar day form a stark contrast to the soft, muted colours, struggle for survival and icy cold of the polar night.A race against time begins, as the long hours of the bright polar day are as interminable as those of the dark polar night. Both extremes are immensely challenging for both flora and fauna in this landscape – but nature has an answer for everything.
Cast & Crew
- Director
World Sales
Production Company
69121 Heidelberg Phone +49 6221 400780 Fax +49 6221 400884 http://www.marco-polo-film.com