Liam and Tina are a young married couple who live in a housing estate on the outskirts of a small Irish town. Liam is an army corporal. They have a one year old baby. Late one night Liam arrives home drunk. A violent row develops between himself and Tina and continues until dawn.As we watch the progress of this argument we also see, through flashbacks, how each of them have spent their respective day. Tina's day is characterised by the chance encounters and spontaneous actions of a woman who is trapped in a marriage she hates. Liam, on the other hand, spends his evening pursuing a local woman he wants to seduce.
It gradually emerges, as the flashbacks interweave with the continuing row, that both of them have done something during the day which they don't want to reveal to the other. In a dramatic and shocking climax we discover thai their secret actions, however, have hugely different consequences.