World Sales
10997 Berlin Phone +49 30 47372980 Fax +49 30 473729820
Production Company
In 1959, Palden Gyatso, a Tibetan Buddhist monk since childhood, was incarcerated by the Chinese Communist Army for peacefully demonstrating against Chinese occupation in Tibet. For 33 years, he endured jail, torture, starvation, humiliation and forced labor. After his release, Palden escaped to Dharamsala, India, home of the Tibetan exile community. He became an activist speaking out against the Chinese occupation, giving voice to thousands of dead, displaced or imprisoned Tibetans. Today, his spirit remains unbroken and his fight against injustice and ignorance continues.FIRE UNDER THE SNOW illumnitates the dramatic and inspirational story of a man whose will and belief remained unweakened even under unthinkable duress. Director Makoto Sasa’s elegant interweaving of interviews with Palden, political prisoners, family members and the Dalai Lama, as well as with impressive archival footage, makes this film a captivating, revealing and heart-breaking historical documentCast & Crew
- Director
World Sales
10997 Berlin Phone +49 30 47372980 Fax +49 30 473729820