Production Company
12489 Berlin Phone +49 40 46657529 Phone +49 30 33931750 http://www.filmgarnitur.de
Elsa In-Between
Elsa is 20 and graduated from high school last summer. She spends her days sleeping. Reading. Thinking. Everyone else has made up their minds: Voluntary social year, world trip, studies. Elsa simply can't do it.Anything but being confronted with the
fact that the future is a wide field - undescribed and directionless. Between "luxury" and a real problem, her attitude to her own situation changes. Completely free and unbound, easy and carefree and infinitely burdened by the serious decision: Who do I want to be? Who will I be? A film about this moment of not-yet-being and the pressure to make a decision.
Cast & Crew
- DirectorKatharina Pethke
- Producer
- Director of photography
- Editor (Cut)
- Sound
- Sound Design
- Original Score
2019doxs! - Children and Youth Programm Duisburger Filmwoche
35 DOK.fest Munich
Production Company
12489 Berlin Phone +49 40 46657529 Phone +49 30 33931750 http://www.filmgarnitur.de
Cast & Crew
Katharina PethkeChristoph Rohrscheidt
Christoph Rohrscheidt
Daniela Kinateder
Timo Selengia
Clemens Endreß
Clemens Endreß