World Sales
Co-Production Company
50667 Köln
At the outermost edge of Europe, 150 kilometers away from the nearest road, lies a village that might well be the most beautiful one on the continent: Old wooden houses cluster together under mighty pine trees that brace themselves against the weight of the snow. On the weather-beaten walls of the houses hang reindeer feet and hides. Out front stand towering stacks of firewood. A passing snowmobile reminds us that we have not been transported back to medieval times but are indeed in a contemporary village, which lies in the middle of the Tundra of the Kola Peninsula in the far north of Russia. This unique site, home of traditional Sámi reindeer breeding and cultural heritage, could soon share the fate of 13,000 other villages in Russia and disappear from the map. Sasha, a member of the Sámi parliament and her brother Vladik, a reindeer herdsman are fighting, each in their own way, for the survival of their ancestral community.Cast & Crew
- Director
World Sales
Co-Production Company
50667 Köln